performance marketing

Apple IDFA is coming soon – what marketers need to know

With the release of iOS 14, Apple is taking a big step towards granular user privacy – and a huge potential bite out of marketer’s efficiency for certain types of campaigns. They are rolling out an update – named IDFA, or, Identifier for Advertisers – that will greatly change how marketers can reach users on …

Apple IDFA is coming soon – what marketers need to know Read More »

Don’t fall for channel FOMO

I wanted to dig into a concept I half-jokingly made up that I’m calling “channel FOMO.” What is channel FOMO, you might ask? It’s the feeling that you as a marketer or startup need to be present in every…single…channel…and especially in the emerging channels like TikTok.  Now, I often talk about how startup marketers can sometimes …

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Going wide VS going deep

Going wide versus going deep in marketing channels

A common theme I’m seeing in the growth marketing and digital marketing space is the question of when one should go wide versus deep in marketing channels. There are a large number of folks talking about and giving advice on this topic. I won’t mention names, but unfortunately I believe much of this information is …

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Cost vs Intent in digital marketing channels

When running performance marketing campaigns it’s often hard to decide where to start. One way I like to look at this challenge is to use what I call the “cost / intent” matrix. The lower cost channels usually drive lower intent based audiences, meaning you can drive a lot of volume but it’s less likely …

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How to Leverage High Intent Search Traffic for Effective Paid Acquisition

This video is part of the Mastering Growth Curriculum – visit the course to learn more and to enroll! I’m going to walk you through how to actually come up with some brand-new Performance Marketing keyword ideas based off of search traffic that people are searching for but not clicking on your website. So let …

How to Leverage High Intent Search Traffic for Effective Paid Acquisition Read More »

How do B2B SaaS companies improve their performance marketing?

I was recently talking to a founder of a B2B SaaS platform who asked me how B2B SaaS companies like theirs can improve their performance marketing. The person whom I spoke to was having a really hard time justifying the expense of spending money in Facebook and even Google because the time between lead to …

How do B2B SaaS companies improve their performance marketing? Read More »