Sandboxx Marketing to the Military

Marketing to the Military – a conversation with Shane McCarthy, CMO of Sandboxx

Did you know that the annual spend of the Military audience is over $1 Trillion dollars per year?

Do you know the nomenclature to ensure you’re on-brand when advertising to this audience?

Do you know the ways to reach this audience outside of just the usual paid channels?

In this interview, I sat down with Shane McCarthy to talk about these and many more questions around marketing to the military.  Shane is the Chief Marketing Officer at Sandboxx, and has been with the company since its earliest days – taking it from startup to scale. 

Tune in if you’re an advertiser or marketer looking for a deep dive on the Military audience.

Looking to get in touch with Sandboxx? Click here to visit the Partners page to learn more.

Or connect with Shane McCarthy on LinkedIn or Craig Zingerline on LinkedIn.

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